RF2.2.3 Updated RF GM commands
Warning, based on the 2.2.3 server, some commands might have changed
some 2.2.3 zone servers got modded commands.
Retested all commands even oldest ones, removed old non-existing anymore ones.
<123> : means you have to input a numeric value after the command
<123%> : means you have to input a numeric value after the command, it will be considered as a percent
<RACE_CODE> : means you have to input a race code (0:Bellato 1:Cora 2:Accretia)
<USERNAME> : means you have to input a player character name (watch uppercases)
<MONSTER_ID> : means you have to input a monster ID code.
<ITEM_ID> : means you have to input an item ID code.
<EVENTSET_ID> : means you have to input an event ID code.
(NO IDEA YET) : Doesn't mean i don't know what is this command, some commands name are very explicit, it's just i don't know the command use syntax
(NO IDEA YET + GM Authority) : Means i couldn't test because right now i'm on a dev account.
ALT+B (Opens observer menu which enables /noclip mode.)
/add <USERNAME> (Add the user to your player list, only usable in observer mode, must have player targeted when you do it.)
/remove <USERNAME> (Remove player from observer list.)
/add (Use this command to add a blank button, and being abble to leave the follow mode.)
# <text> (Gm chat)
$GM <text> (Set GM Welcome notice)
$notice <text> (NO IDEA YET)
%town (Teleports oneself to Race HQ.)
%lv (Sets oneself level.)
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%*@^ <ITEM_ID> <123> (Generate one or several game items.)
%change degree (NO IDEA YET)
%respawn start (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%respawn stop (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%allmuzi (NO IDEA YET)
%xyz (Give oneself coords.)
%altexp <123> (Set oneself EXP.)
%jump (Teleport to XYZ coords. Ex: %jump Cora 229, 1099,-8551)
%pass dungeon (Finish oneself entered battle dungeon.)
%transparent (Turn ON oneself invisibility.)
%no transparent (Turn OFF oneself invisibility.)
%max attack point (Deal on every hit maximum damage of your attack range.)
%min attack point (Deal on every hit minimum damage of your attack range.)
%normal attack point (Reset your hits to normal attack range.)
%matchless (Turn ON oneself god kill.)
%no matchless (Turn OFF oneself god kill.)
%port <RACE_CODE> (Teleport oneself to a race HQ.)
%eder <RACE_CODE> (Teleport oneself to Ether map race camp.)
%goto ship (Teleport oneself to Ether ship dock.)
%start holy (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%stone (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%stone bye (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%keeper bye (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%servant (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%start keeper (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%goto stone <RACE_CODE> (Port oneself to a race chip.)
%beggar (Drop the whole Loot table of the monster you will kill - care!)
%no beggar (End beggar mode.)
%kick <USERNAME> (Kick player out of game.)
%pass quest (Pass oneself obtained quests.)
%charcall <USERNAME> (Teleport player to you.)
%moncall <MONSTER_ID> <123> (Summon one or several monsters to you.)
%goto mine (Teleports oneself to mine's Core.)
%copy <USERNAME> (Kicks you out of game, and create a copy of the player character to your account.)
%total (Display amount of users online for each race.)
%die (Suicide yourself.)
%miracle (Decrease oneself HP, FP, SP, and Def Gauge on every use.)
%fullmiracle (Restore fully oneself HP, FP, SP.)
%neverdie (Turn ON oneself invincibility.)
%no neverdie (Turn OFF oneself invincibility.)
%upfcitem <123> (NO IDEA YET)
%upskill (NO IDEA YET)
%upforce (NO IDEA YET)
%allskill <123> (Set oneself skills level.)
%contribute_p <+/- 123> (Add CP points to oneself.)
%contribute_m <+/- 123> (Add PVP points to oneself.)
%recalltime (NO IDEA YET)
%recallexp <123> (Set oneself summoned animus experience.)
%monset <ON/OFF> (Turn On/Off mobs respawning.)
%show me the dalant <123> (Give oneself money, or input amount.)
%show me the gold <123> (Give oneself 500.000 gold, or input amount.)
%full force (Set oneself spells to max level.)
%threeseven (Drop 5 bags.)
%clear inven (Clear your inventory, exept worn items.)
%god hand (Turn ON god upgrade mode.)
%chicken hand (Turn OFF god upgrade mode.)
%effect time (NO IDEA YET)
%effect clear (Clear oneself buffs effects.)
%circle (Display amount of players near you.)
%fullset (Set oneself forces and Skills to max level.)
%dfgrace (NO IDEA YET)
%recallattack (NO IDEA YET)
%allskillpt <123%> (Raises oneself Skills level percent.)
%resurrect (Revive Oneself.)
%createfield (NO IDEA YET)
%war (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%destroyfield (NO IDEA YET)
%regenstone (NO IDEA YET)
%destroystone (NO IDEA YET)
%takestone (NO IDEA YET)
%getstone (NO IDEA YET)
%dropstone (NO IDEA YET)
%forcestone (NO IDEA YET)
%checkgoal <USERNAME> (Guild related.)
%recvschedule <USERNAME> <123> (Guild related.)
%recvbattleinfo (NO IDEA YET)
%recvtotalguildrank (NO IDEA YET)
%recvpvpguildrank (NO IDEA YET)
%changetaxrate <RACE_CODE> <123> (Set desired tax rate (%) for a race.)
%amp-set (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%amp-full (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%servertime (Display server uptime.)
%partycall <USERNAME> (Call whole player party to oneself.)
%guildcall <USERNAME> (Call whole player guild to oneself.)
%cashamount (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%csbuy (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%primium (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%classevent (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%takeholymental (Give Holymental to oneself. + GM Authority)
%Set Guild Grade (Set oneself guild grade.)
%Set Guild Grade By Name (Set guild grade.)
%Set Guild Grade By GuildSerial (Set guild grade.)
%MasterMe (NO IDEA YET)
%altlv (NO IDEA YET)
%recalllv <123> (Set your current animus level)
%AfterEff (Gives Nuclear Debuff Effect to oneself.)
%removesfdelay (NO IDEA YET)
%utcancellogout (NO IDEA YET + kick you out of server)
%utcancel (NO IDEA YET)
%chatsave (NO IDEA YET)
%setexprate (NO IDEA YET)
%gotonpc (NO IDEA YET)
%npcquest (NO IDEA YET)
%delquest (NO IDEA YET)
%manageguild (NO IDEA YET)
%buf (NO IDEA YET)
%masterelect (NO IDEA YET)
%lua (NO IDEA YET)
%oreamount <123> (Set oneself ore amount bar.)
%remainore (Display remaining ore.)
%serverrate (Display current server rates.)
%premiumrate (Display current premium player server rates.)
%trapattack (NO IDEA YET)
%hitme (NO IDEA YET)
%eventset start <EVENTSET_ID> (Start eventset monster event.)
%eventset stop <EVENTSET_ID> (Stop eventset monster event.)
%temp point <123> (Change Oneself Temp PVP Points.)
%new killerlist (NO IDEA YET)
%userchatban <USERNAME> (Mute a player for deired amount of time. + GM Authority)
%itemloot (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%minespeed (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%sfmastery (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%basemastery (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%animuexp (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%playerexp (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%darkholereward (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%pcitemloot (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%pcminespeed (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%pcsfmastery (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%pcbasemastery (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%pcanimuexp (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%pcplayerexp (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%mepcbang (NO IDEA YET)
%pcbangitemget <123> <USERNAME> (Gives to player Premium items desired amount.)
%conevent (NO IDEA YET)
%expirepcbang (Kick yourself out of game after a 300 seconds cooldown.)
%voteenable (NO IDEA YET)
%voteinfo (NO IDEA YET)
%playerset <USERNAME> <123> (NO IDEA YET)
%envset (NO IDEA YET)
%timeset (NO IDEA YET)
%tlinfoset <USERNAME> <123> (Set info for desired player Time-Limit system.)
%tlinfo <USERNAME> (Display Time-Limit info for desirec character.)
%tlsysset <USERNAME> <123> (Set info for desired player Time-Limit system.)
%actpset <USERNAME> <123> (NO IDEA YET)
%eventst <USERNAME> <123> (NO IDEA YET)
%getboxcnt (NO IDEA YET)
%sethp <123%> (Set oneself HP percent.)
Items - mobs - pitbosse and other
ipcsa01 - 03 (55% is 03) bust potions
ipcsa28 - 39 (1 sec is 39) cure chargers
ipbnp08 - 0 sec hp pots
ipcsa73 - Class Change pill
ipcsa30 - stealth
bxcsa01 - 03 (28 for sock box, 03 lucky large, 18 fav largerr)
bxgem04 - boxes
bxcjh01 - boxes
bxxts04 - boxes
ipbhp08 - pots (hp,fp,sp,de,co,ae,ex,np)
ibbow38-39 - elemntal ammo
iidgn01-02 - Dagnu eles RINGS
iadgn01-02 - Dagnu eles HS`t
iqell01 - Elan Scrolls
ircsa01-04 - T5's
ircsa05-12 - jades
ipdrw01 - Concintradted Poision
ipdrw02 - Beserkers Vile
ipdrw03 - Cremul Snatchers
iiaad05 - RING new eles (30/50 per att/def | 80 per att/dog) (aa, bb, cc middle two letters)
iaaad05 - HS new eles (50 per att/def | 80 per att/dog ) (aa, bb, cc middle two letters)
iachr01 - christmas elemental amulet atk
iachr02 - scorpion kiss amulet
iachr03 - christmas elemental amulet def
iachr04 - bless of novus amulet
iachr05 - christmas elemental amulet avoid
iachr06 - snake eater amulet
iichr01 - christmas elemental ring atk 45%
iichr02 - christmas elemental ring def 45%
iichr03 - christmas elemental ring avoid 45%
iichr04 - christmas elemental ring def 45%
iichr05 - christmas elemental ring avoid 40%
iichr06 - christmas elemental ring avoid 45%
iwhkn01 - black sign maneater
iwstz02 - relic staff
iwluz04 - relic launcher
iwflz04 - relic inferno
iwboz01-02 - relic bow
iwfiz04 - relic fire arm/dual hiitler
iwspz01-02 - relic spear
iwlxa50 - leon faust
iwlxa45 - leon launcher
iwsxa50 - leon spear
iwbxa50 - leon bow
iwlub51 - int akeron launcher
iwfib55 - dark gattling gun
iwekn55 - Elven Blade/knife
iwebo55 - Elven Bow
iwmdb55 - Elven Metal Dual Blade
iwmbo55 - Elven Metal Bow
iwest55 - Elven Staff
iwewa55 - Elven Wand
iwmeb55 - Elven Metal Blade
iwmca55 - Elven Gairtttling Gun
idmeb55 - Metal Elven Shield
idelb55 - Elven Shield
iwpvp01-10 - Hero Weapons
ihawc50 - ancient armor
ihawb47 - armor (a = acc, u = upper | b = int | w = warrior, f = launcher)
(ttz = endurance, x = gurdian, y = sharp, v = protect)
(u = strength, t = solid, s = strong, r = pain)
(q = adv str)`
sklu005 - blue kit
ikbb006 - jetpacaks (aa = acc)
irjad01-05 - Jades
irtal01-1 - talics 01 iggy, 04 chaos, 06 fav, 07 wisdom, 12 grace
13 mercy
idata50 - idati50
idaab45 - shields acc
idbcb45 - shields ccc/bcc
/move - move to player
/town - move to town base
%charcall - port a player to you
ikxxx01 - CEO Mantle (GM Cape)
iaxxx01 - GM Headset
iaxxx04 - GM Headset
iixxx00 - GM Ringtt
iixxx01 - GMt%ct%t Ringf
show me the dalant 100000000
allskill 10000000000
(4 acc, 5 bell, 6 cora)
01304 - Vice Block Lunker PB
09704 - Varas
01F04 - Gaff
01004 - Splinter
01104 - Rook
01204 - Warbeast
01304 - Lunker
01504 - Ratmoth
01604 - Drone
01704 - Vafer
02004 - Tweezer
02404 - Grumble
02C04 - King Crook
04004 - Anabola
04104 - Brutal
04204 - Meat Clod
04304 - Blood Crawler
04404 - Blood Vafer
04504 - Snatcher Rex
05817 - Calliana Queen
13A07 - Thor
0BB07 - Draco PB
16517 - Draco Flamejante
09207 - hora ABX
16307 - Rind Leader Blood Axe
05207 - Hora Armored Hobo Blade
0B407 - Carmen
*12707 - Leon Volv
*12307 - Xich
05906 - DevilChooty
14D07 - Eldi Croche
15407 - Kwele
*15207 - Edisil_Narwen
04317 - Esmagador Sanguin.rio_Horae
0390C - Rainha Naiade Ondina Guerreira Horae
09437 - Baal Hamon Horae (dbos)
16307 - Leder dos Machados
0ED07 - Blue ABX
06D07 - belp
0AB07 - rj
0AF07 - taravan
0AC07 - blink
0AD07 - sinder
0B207 - dagon
0B107 - Dagan
0B007 - Dagnu
0BA07 - walnut
14F03 - elf gunner
18F03 - elf assasin
Command: %*@^ <spasi> code
1. Armors
BM Armor (Accretia)
- Launcher Type
ihafd01 (Head)
iuafd01 (Upper)
ilafd01 (Lower)
igafd01 (Gloves)
isafd01 (Shoes)
- Melee Type
ihawd01 (Head)
iuawd01 (Upper)
ilawd01 (Lower)
igawd01 (Gloves)
isawd01 (Shoes)
- Ranger Type
ihard01 (Head)
iuard01 (Upper)
ilard01 (Lower)
igard01 (Gloves)
isard01 (Shoes)
BM Armor (Bellato)
- Force Type
ihbfd01 (Head)
iubfd01 (Upper)
ilbfd01 (Lower)
igbfd01 (Gloves)
isbfd01 (Shoes)
- Melee Type
ihbwd01 (Head)
iubwd01 (Upper)
ilbwd01 (Lower)
igbwd01 (Gloves)
isbwd01 (Shoes)
- Ranger Type
ihbrd01 (Head)
iubrd01 (Upper)
ilbrd01 (Lower)
igbrd01 (Gloves)
isbrd01 (Shoes)
BM Armor (Cora)
- Force Type
ihcfd01 (Head)
iucfd01 (Upper)
ilcfd01 (Lower)
igcfd01 (Gloves)
iscfd01 (Shoes)
- Melee Type
ihcwd01 (Head)
iucwd01 (Upper)
ilcwd01 (Lower)
igcwd01 (Gloves)
iscwd01 (Shoes)
- Ranger Type
ihcrd01 (Head)
iucrd01 (Upper)
ilcrd01 (Lower)
igcrd01 (Gloves)
iscrd01 (Shoes)
Lv65 Intense Armor (Accretia)
- Launcher Type
ihafb65 (Head)
iuafb65 (Upper)
ilafb65 (Lower)
igafb65 (Gloves)
isafb65 (Shoes)
- Melee Type
ihawb65 (Head)
iuawb65 (Upper)
ilawb65 (Lower)
igawb65 (Gloves)
isawb65 (Shoes)
- Ranger Type
iharb65 (Head)
iuarb65 (Upper)
ilarb65 (Lower)
igarb65 (Gloves)
isarb65 (Shoes)
Lv65 Intense Armor (Bellato)
- Force Type
ihbfb65 (Head)
iubfb65 (Upper)
ilbfb65 (Lower)
igbfb65 (Gloves)
isbfb65 (Shoes)
- Melee Type
ihbwb65 (Head)
iubwb65 (Upper)
ilbwb65 (Lower)
igbwb65 (Gloves)
isbwb65 (Shoes)
- Ranger Type
ihbrb65 (Head)
iubrb65 (Upper)
ilbrb65 (Lower)
igbrb65 (Gloves)
isbrb65 (Shoes)
Lv65 Intense Armor (Cora)
- Force Type
ihcfb65 (Head)
iucfb65 (Upper)
ilcfb65 (Lower)
igcfb65 (Gloves)
iscfb65 (Shoes)
- Melee Type
ihcwb65 (Head)
iucwb65 (Upper)
ilcwb65 (Lower)
igcwb65 (Gloves)
iscwb65 (Shoes)
- Ranger Type
ihcrb65 (Head)
iucrb65 (Upper)
ilcrb65 (Lower)
igcrb65 (Gloves)
iscrb65 (Shoes)
2. Weapons
Donate Weapons
iwstz02 - Staff (Accelleon)
iwluz04 - Launcher (Cerberus)
iwflz04 - Launcher (Inferno)
iwboz01 - Bow (Valkyrie)
iwb0z02 - CrossBow (Chimera)
iwfiz04 - Firearm (Double Hiiter)
iwspz02 - Spear (Vengeance)
Relic Lv70 Weapons
iwmad52 - One-Handed Mace (Baltin Toel)
iwmad53 - One-Handed Mace (Hammer of Repose)
iwbod51 - Bow (Aldebaran)
iwbod52 - CrossBow (Beleropon)
iwfid54 - Firearm (Twin Impact)
iwspd52 - Spear (Name of Vengeace)
iwstd52 - Staff (Divine Core)
iwlud54 - Launcher (Judecker)
iwfld54 - Launcher (Revanthane)
Lv65 Intense Weapons
iwgeb65 - Granade Launcher
iwlub65 - Launcher
iwfib65 - Firearm
iwbob65 - Bow
iwspb65 - Spear
iwstb65 - Staff
iwmab65 - One-Handed Mace
iwaxb65 - Two-Handed Mace
iwswb65 - Sword
iwknb65 - Knife
PvP Weapons
iwpvp01 - Knife (MuspellHeim)
iwpvp02 - Sword (Hell Bringer)
iwpvp03 - Dual Wield (Bone Slasher)
iwpvp04 - One-Handed Mace (Titan Fist)
iwpvp05 - Spear (Pinoka)
iwpvp06 - Bow (Bloody Tears)
iwpvp07 - Firearm (Death Scream)
iwpvp08 - Launcher (Dragon Breath)
iwpvp09 - Staff (Hell Song)
iwpvp10 - Throwing Knife (Death Wing)
Leon Weapons
iwkxa40 - Knife Low Lv40
iwkxb40 - Knife Med Lv40
iwkxc40 - Knife High Lv40
iwkxa45 - Knife Low Lv45
iwkxb45 - Knife Med Lv45
iwkxc45 - Knife High Lv45
iwkxa50 - Knife Low Lv50
iwkxb50 - Knife Med Lv50
iwkxc50 - Knife High Lv50
iwkxa55 - Knife Low Lv55
iwkxb55 - Knife Med Lv55
iwkxc55 - Knife High Lv55
iwbxa40 - Bow Low Lv40
iwbxb40 - Bow Med Lv40
iwbxc40 - Bow High Lv40
iwbxa45 - Bow Low Lv45
iwbxb45 - Bow Med Lv45
iwbxc45 - Bow High Lv45
iwbxa50 - Bow Low Lv50
iwbxb50 - Bow Med Lv50
iwbxc50 - Bow High Lv50
iwbxa55 - Bow Low Lv55
iwbxb55 - Bow Med Lv55
iwbxc55 - Bow High Lv55
iwtxa40 - Staff Low Lv40
iwtxb40 - Staff Med Lv40
iwtxc40 - Staff High Lv40
iwtxa45 - Staff Low Lv45
iwtxb45 - Staff Med Lv45
iwtxc45 - Staff High Lv45
iwtxa50 - Staff Low Lv50
iwtxb50 - Staff Med Lv50
iwtxc50 - Staff High Lv50
iwtxa55 - Staff Low Lv55
iwtxb55 - Staff Med Lv55
iwtxc55 - Staff High Lv55
General Weapons
iwevn01 - Legacy Blade
iwevt01 Snow Spray (Winter Event)
iwkna99 - Knife (CEO Sword)
3. Jewelery
- Accretia
iaana03 - Starved Beast's Earring (28% Attack / 5% Vampire / 20 Accuracy)
iaana06 - Violent Wild's Earring (28% Attack / 20 Accuracy / 0.5 Speed)
iaana09 - Fluctuating Beast Vital's Earring (28% Attack / 10% HP / 16% Defense)
iaana12 - Outcasted Marauder's Earring (28% Attack / 16% Defense / 5% Vampire)
iaana15 - Liberated Outcast's Earring (20 Dodge / 16 Range / 15% Debuff Time)
iaaad50 - 30% Attack / 30% Defense
- Bellato
iabna03 - Starved Beast's Earring (22% Attack / 5% Vampire / 15 Accuracy)
iabna06 - Violent Wild's Earring (26% Attack / 20 Accuracy / 15 Range)
iabna09 - Fluctuating Beast Vital's Earring (26% Attack / 8% HP / 15% Defense)
iabna12 - Outcasted Marauder's Earring (26% Attack / 15% Defense / 5% Vampire)
iabna15 - Liberated Outcast's Earring (20 Dodge / 20 Range / 15% Debuff Time)
- Cora
iacna03 - Starved Beast's Earring (22% Attack / 5% Vampire / 15 Accuracy)
iacna06 - Violent Wild's Earring (26% Attack / 20 Accuracy / 15 Range)
iacna09 - Fluctuating Beast Vital's Earring (26% Attack / 8% HP / 15% Defense)
iacna12 - Outcasted Marauder's Earring (26% Attack / 15% Defense / 5% Vampire)
iacna15 - Liberated Outcast's Earring (20 Dodge / 20 Range / 15% Debuff Time)
iacca97 - Cora Earring97 (25% Defense / 25% Attack)
iacca98 - Cora Earring98 (25% Attack / 20 Dodge)
iacca99 - Cora Earring99 (25% Defense / 25% Attack)
- General
iadgn01 - Dagon's Leash (10% Attack / 30% Defense / 5% HP)
iadgn02 - BlackBlood Brother's Leash (30% Attack / 30% Defense / 10% Vampire / Detect)
iachr01 - 40% Attack (Christmas Elemental)
iachr02 - 45% Attack (Christmas Elemental)
iachr03 - 40% Defense (Christmas Elemental)
iachr04 - 45% Defense (Christmas Elemental)
iachr05 - 40 Dodge (Christmas Elemental)
iachr06 - 45 Dodge (Christmas Elemental)
- Accretia
iiana03 - Starved Beast's Earring (28% Attack / 5% Vampire / 20 Accuracy)
iiana06 - Violent Wild's Earring (28% Attack / 20 Accuracy / 0.5 Speed)
iiana09 - Fluctuating Beast Vital's Earring (28% Attack / 10% HP / 16% Defense)
iiana12 - Outcasted Marauder's Earring (28% Attack / 16% Defense / 5% Vampire)
iiana15 - Liberated Outcast's Earring (20 Dodge / 16 Range / 15% Debuff Time)
iiaad50 - 30% Attack / 30% Defense
iiaab75 - Accretia Ring174 (0.5 Speed / 25% Attack / 25% Defense)
iiaab76 - Accretia Ring175 (0.5 Speed / 25% Attack / 20 Dodge)
iiaab77 - Accretia Ring176 (0.5 Speed / 25% Attack / 0.10 Delay Decrease)
- Bellato
iibna03 - Starved Beast's Earring (22% Attack / 5% Vampire / 15 Accuracy)
iibna06 - Violent Wild's Earring (26% Attack / 20 Accuracy / 15 Range)
iibna09 - Fluctuating Beast Vital's Earring (26% Attack / 8% HP / 15% Defense)
iibna12 - Outcasted Marauder's Earring (26% Attack / 15% Defense / 5% Vampire)
iibna15 - Liberated Outcast's Earring (20 Dodge / 20 Range / 15% Debuff Time)
iibba97 - Bellato Wristlet97 (20% Attack / 20% Defense)
iibba98 - Bellato Wristlet98 (20% Attack / 20 Dodge)
iibba99 - Bellato Wristlet99 (20% Attack / 20% Defense)
iibev01 - 30% Attack / 30% Defense
iibev02 - 30% Attack / 25 Dodge
- Cora
iicna03 - Starved Beast's Earring (22% Attack / 5% Vampire / 15 Accuracy)
iicna06 - Violent Wild's Earring (26% Attack / 20 Accuracy / 15 Range)
iicna09 - Fluctuating Beast Vital's Earring (26% Attack / 8% HP / 15% Defense)
iicna12 - Outcasted Marauder's Earring (26% Attack / 15% Defense / 5% Vampire)
iicna15 - Liberated Outcast's Earring (20 Dodge / 20 Range / 15% Debuff Time)
- General
iidgn01 - Dagnu's Ring (30% Attack / 10% Defense / 5% HP)
iidgn02 - Dagan's Ring (10% Attack / 10% Defense / 20% HP)
iichr01 - 40% Attack (Christmas Elemental)
iichr02 - 45% Attack (Christmas Elemental)
iichr03 - 40% Defense (Christmas Elemental)
iichr04 - 45% Defense (Christmas Elemental)
iichr05 - 40 Dodge (Christmas Elemental)
iichr06 - 45 Dodge (Christmas Elemental)
Donate Amulets
- Accretia
iaaad56 - 40% Attack / 50% Defense
iaaad57 - 40% Attack / 30 Dodge
iaaad58 - 50% Defense / 20% HP
- Bellato
iabbd16 - 40% Attack / 50% Defense
iabbd19 - 40% Attack / 30 Dodge
iabbd20 - 50% Defense / 20% HP
- Cora
iaccd82 - 40% Attack / 50% Defense
iaccd83 - 40% Attack / 30 Dodge
iaccd81 - 50% Defense / 20% HP
Donate Rings
iiaad81 - 40% Attack / 50% Defense
iiaad82 - 40% Attack / 30 Dodge
iiaad83 - 50% Defense / 20% HP
iibbd83 - 40% Attack / 50% Defense
iibbd82 - 40% Attack / 30 Dodge
iibbd81 - 50% Defense / 20% HP
iiccd16 - 40% Attack / 50% Defense
iiccd19 - 40% Attack / 30 Dodge
iiccd17 - 50% Defense / 20% HP
4. Shields
idaab50 - Shield Lv50 Intense
idaab55 - Shield Lv55 Intense
idaab60 - Shield Lv60 Intense
idaab65 - Shield Lv65 Intense
idbcb50 - Shield Lv50 Intense
idbcb55 - Shield Lv55 Intense
idbcb60 - Shield Lv60 Intense
idbcb65 - Shield Lv65 Intense
idelb55 - Elven Shield
idmeb55 - Metal Elven Shield
idxxx01 - 100% Block Shield
5. Capes
ikavb99 - Blood Booster [99 Grade]
ikatb99 - Aiming Booster [99 Grade]
ikbvb99 - Blood Booster [99 Grade]
ikbtb99 - Aiming Booster [99 Grade]
ikcvb99 - Blood Booster [99 Grade]
ikctb99 - Aiming Booster [99 Grade]
ikxxx02 - Manto Elven [A] (Donate Cape)
ikxxx03 - GM Cape (10 Speed)
Warning, based on the 2.2.3 server, some commands might have changed
some 2.2.3 zone servers got modded commands.
Retested all commands even oldest ones, removed old non-existing anymore ones.
<123> : means you have to input a numeric value after the command
<123%> : means you have to input a numeric value after the command, it will be considered as a percent
<RACE_CODE> : means you have to input a race code (0:Bellato 1:Cora 2:Accretia)
<USERNAME> : means you have to input a player character name (watch uppercases)
<MONSTER_ID> : means you have to input a monster ID code.
<ITEM_ID> : means you have to input an item ID code.
<EVENTSET_ID> : means you have to input an event ID code.
(NO IDEA YET) : Doesn't mean i don't know what is this command, some commands name are very explicit, it's just i don't know the command use syntax
(NO IDEA YET + GM Authority) : Means i couldn't test because right now i'm on a dev account.
ALT+B (Opens observer menu which enables /noclip mode.)
/add <USERNAME> (Add the user to your player list, only usable in observer mode, must have player targeted when you do it.)
/remove <USERNAME> (Remove player from observer list.)
/add (Use this command to add a blank button, and being abble to leave the follow mode.)
# <text> (Gm chat)
$GM <text> (Set GM Welcome notice)
$notice <text> (NO IDEA YET)
%town (Teleports oneself to Race HQ.)
%lv (Sets oneself level.)
%*@^ <ITEM_ID> <123> (Generate one or several game items.)
%change degree (NO IDEA YET)
%respawn start (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%respawn stop (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%allmuzi (NO IDEA YET)
%xyz (Give oneself coords.)
%altexp <123> (Set oneself EXP.)
%jump (Teleport to XYZ coords. Ex: %jump Cora 229, 1099,-8551)
%pass dungeon (Finish oneself entered battle dungeon.)
%transparent (Turn ON oneself invisibility.)
%no transparent (Turn OFF oneself invisibility.)
%max attack point (Deal on every hit maximum damage of your attack range.)
%min attack point (Deal on every hit minimum damage of your attack range.)
%normal attack point (Reset your hits to normal attack range.)
%matchless (Turn ON oneself god kill.)
%no matchless (Turn OFF oneself god kill.)
%port <RACE_CODE> (Teleport oneself to a race HQ.)
%eder <RACE_CODE> (Teleport oneself to Ether map race camp.)
%goto ship (Teleport oneself to Ether ship dock.)
%start holy (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%stone (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%stone bye (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%keeper bye (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%servant (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%start keeper (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%goto stone <RACE_CODE> (Port oneself to a race chip.)
%beggar (Drop the whole Loot table of the monster you will kill - care!)
%no beggar (End beggar mode.)
%kick <USERNAME> (Kick player out of game.)
%pass quest (Pass oneself obtained quests.)
%charcall <USERNAME> (Teleport player to you.)
%moncall <MONSTER_ID> <123> (Summon one or several monsters to you.)
%goto mine (Teleports oneself to mine's Core.)
%copy <USERNAME> (Kicks you out of game, and create a copy of the player character to your account.)
%total (Display amount of users online for each race.)
%die (Suicide yourself.)
%miracle (Decrease oneself HP, FP, SP, and Def Gauge on every use.)
%fullmiracle (Restore fully oneself HP, FP, SP.)
%neverdie (Turn ON oneself invincibility.)
%no neverdie (Turn OFF oneself invincibility.)
%upfcitem <123> (NO IDEA YET)
%upskill (NO IDEA YET)
%upforce (NO IDEA YET)
%allskill <123> (Set oneself skills level.)
%contribute_p <+/- 123> (Add CP points to oneself.)
%contribute_m <+/- 123> (Add PVP points to oneself.)
%recalltime (NO IDEA YET)
%recallexp <123> (Set oneself summoned animus experience.)
%monset <ON/OFF> (Turn On/Off mobs respawning.)
%show me the dalant <123> (Give oneself money, or input amount.)
%show me the gold <123> (Give oneself 500.000 gold, or input amount.)
%full force (Set oneself spells to max level.)
%threeseven (Drop 5 bags.)
%clear inven (Clear your inventory, exept worn items.)
%god hand (Turn ON god upgrade mode.)
%chicken hand (Turn OFF god upgrade mode.)
%effect time (NO IDEA YET)
%effect clear (Clear oneself buffs effects.)
%circle (Display amount of players near you.)
%fullset (Set oneself forces and Skills to max level.)
%dfgrace (NO IDEA YET)
%recallattack (NO IDEA YET)
%allskillpt <123%> (Raises oneself Skills level percent.)
%resurrect (Revive Oneself.)
%createfield (NO IDEA YET)
%war (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%destroyfield (NO IDEA YET)
%regenstone (NO IDEA YET)
%destroystone (NO IDEA YET)
%takestone (NO IDEA YET)
%getstone (NO IDEA YET)
%dropstone (NO IDEA YET)
%forcestone (NO IDEA YET)
%checkgoal <USERNAME> (Guild related.)
%recvschedule <USERNAME> <123> (Guild related.)
%recvbattleinfo (NO IDEA YET)
%recvtotalguildrank (NO IDEA YET)
%recvpvpguildrank (NO IDEA YET)
%changetaxrate <RACE_CODE> <123> (Set desired tax rate (%) for a race.)
%amp-set (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%amp-full (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%servertime (Display server uptime.)
%partycall <USERNAME> (Call whole player party to oneself.)
%guildcall <USERNAME> (Call whole player guild to oneself.)
%cashamount (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%csbuy (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%primium (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%classevent (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%takeholymental (Give Holymental to oneself. + GM Authority)
%Set Guild Grade (Set oneself guild grade.)
%Set Guild Grade By Name (Set guild grade.)
%Set Guild Grade By GuildSerial (Set guild grade.)
%MasterMe (NO IDEA YET)
%altlv (NO IDEA YET)
%recalllv <123> (Set your current animus level)
%AfterEff (Gives Nuclear Debuff Effect to oneself.)
%removesfdelay (NO IDEA YET)
%utcancellogout (NO IDEA YET + kick you out of server)
%utcancel (NO IDEA YET)
%chatsave (NO IDEA YET)
%setexprate (NO IDEA YET)
%gotonpc (NO IDEA YET)
%npcquest (NO IDEA YET)
%delquest (NO IDEA YET)
%manageguild (NO IDEA YET)
%buf (NO IDEA YET)
%masterelect (NO IDEA YET)
%lua (NO IDEA YET)
%oreamount <123> (Set oneself ore amount bar.)
%remainore (Display remaining ore.)
%serverrate (Display current server rates.)
%premiumrate (Display current premium player server rates.)
%trapattack (NO IDEA YET)
%hitme (NO IDEA YET)
%eventset start <EVENTSET_ID> (Start eventset monster event.)
%eventset stop <EVENTSET_ID> (Stop eventset monster event.)
%temp point <123> (Change Oneself Temp PVP Points.)
%new killerlist (NO IDEA YET)
%userchatban <USERNAME> (Mute a player for deired amount of time. + GM Authority)
%itemloot (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%minespeed (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%sfmastery (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%basemastery (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%animuexp (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%playerexp (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%darkholereward (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%pcitemloot (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%pcminespeed (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%pcsfmastery (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%pcbasemastery (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%pcanimuexp (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%pcplayerexp (NO IDEA YET + GM Authority)
%mepcbang (NO IDEA YET)
%pcbangitemget <123> <USERNAME> (Gives to player Premium items desired amount.)
%conevent (NO IDEA YET)
%expirepcbang (Kick yourself out of game after a 300 seconds cooldown.)
%voteenable (NO IDEA YET)
%voteinfo (NO IDEA YET)
%playerset <USERNAME> <123> (NO IDEA YET)
%envset (NO IDEA YET)
%timeset (NO IDEA YET)
%tlinfoset <USERNAME> <123> (Set info for desired player Time-Limit system.)
%tlinfo <USERNAME> (Display Time-Limit info for desirec character.)
%tlsysset <USERNAME> <123> (Set info for desired player Time-Limit system.)
%actpset <USERNAME> <123> (NO IDEA YET)
%eventst <USERNAME> <123> (NO IDEA YET)
%getboxcnt (NO IDEA YET)
%sethp <123%> (Set oneself HP percent.)
Items - mobs - pitbosse and other
ipcsa01 - 03 (55% is 03) bust potions
ipcsa28 - 39 (1 sec is 39) cure chargers
ipbnp08 - 0 sec hp pots
ipcsa73 - Class Change pill
ipcsa30 - stealth
bxcsa01 - 03 (28 for sock box, 03 lucky large, 18 fav largerr)
bxgem04 - boxes
bxcjh01 - boxes
bxxts04 - boxes
ipbhp08 - pots (hp,fp,sp,de,co,ae,ex,np)
ibbow38-39 - elemntal ammo
iidgn01-02 - Dagnu eles RINGS
iadgn01-02 - Dagnu eles HS`t
iqell01 - Elan Scrolls
ircsa01-04 - T5's
ircsa05-12 - jades
ipdrw01 - Concintradted Poision
ipdrw02 - Beserkers Vile
ipdrw03 - Cremul Snatchers
iiaad05 - RING new eles (30/50 per att/def | 80 per att/dog) (aa, bb, cc middle two letters)
iaaad05 - HS new eles (50 per att/def | 80 per att/dog ) (aa, bb, cc middle two letters)
iachr01 - christmas elemental amulet atk
iachr02 - scorpion kiss amulet
iachr03 - christmas elemental amulet def
iachr04 - bless of novus amulet
iachr05 - christmas elemental amulet avoid
iachr06 - snake eater amulet
iichr01 - christmas elemental ring atk 45%
iichr02 - christmas elemental ring def 45%
iichr03 - christmas elemental ring avoid 45%
iichr04 - christmas elemental ring def 45%
iichr05 - christmas elemental ring avoid 40%
iichr06 - christmas elemental ring avoid 45%
iwhkn01 - black sign maneater
iwstz02 - relic staff
iwluz04 - relic launcher
iwflz04 - relic inferno
iwboz01-02 - relic bow
iwfiz04 - relic fire arm/dual hiitler
iwspz01-02 - relic spear
iwlxa50 - leon faust
iwlxa45 - leon launcher
iwsxa50 - leon spear
iwbxa50 - leon bow
iwlub51 - int akeron launcher
iwfib55 - dark gattling gun
iwekn55 - Elven Blade/knife
iwebo55 - Elven Bow
iwmdb55 - Elven Metal Dual Blade
iwmbo55 - Elven Metal Bow
iwest55 - Elven Staff
iwewa55 - Elven Wand
iwmeb55 - Elven Metal Blade
iwmca55 - Elven Gairtttling Gun
idmeb55 - Metal Elven Shield
idelb55 - Elven Shield
iwpvp01-10 - Hero Weapons
ihawc50 - ancient armor
ihawb47 - armor (a = acc, u = upper | b = int | w = warrior, f = launcher)
(ttz = endurance, x = gurdian, y = sharp, v = protect)
(u = strength, t = solid, s = strong, r = pain)
(q = adv str)`
sklu005 - blue kit
ikbb006 - jetpacaks (aa = acc)
irjad01-05 - Jades
irtal01-1 - talics 01 iggy, 04 chaos, 06 fav, 07 wisdom, 12 grace
13 mercy
idata50 - idati50
idaab45 - shields acc
idbcb45 - shields ccc/bcc
/move - move to player
/town - move to town base
%charcall - port a player to you
ikxxx01 - CEO Mantle (GM Cape)
iaxxx01 - GM Headset
iaxxx04 - GM Headset
iixxx00 - GM Ringtt
iixxx01 - GMt%ct%t Ringf
show me the dalant 100000000
allskill 10000000000
(4 acc, 5 bell, 6 cora)
01304 - Vice Block Lunker PB
09704 - Varas
01F04 - Gaff
01004 - Splinter
01104 - Rook
01204 - Warbeast
01304 - Lunker
01504 - Ratmoth
01604 - Drone
01704 - Vafer
02004 - Tweezer
02404 - Grumble
02C04 - King Crook
04004 - Anabola
04104 - Brutal
04204 - Meat Clod
04304 - Blood Crawler
04404 - Blood Vafer
04504 - Snatcher Rex
05817 - Calliana Queen
13A07 - Thor
0BB07 - Draco PB
16517 - Draco Flamejante
09207 - hora ABX
16307 - Rind Leader Blood Axe
05207 - Hora Armored Hobo Blade
0B407 - Carmen
*12707 - Leon Volv
*12307 - Xich
05906 - DevilChooty
14D07 - Eldi Croche
15407 - Kwele
*15207 - Edisil_Narwen
04317 - Esmagador Sanguin.rio_Horae
0390C - Rainha Naiade Ondina Guerreira Horae
09437 - Baal Hamon Horae (dbos)
16307 - Leder dos Machados
0ED07 - Blue ABX
06D07 - belp
0AB07 - rj
0AF07 - taravan
0AC07 - blink
0AD07 - sinder
0B207 - dagon
0B107 - Dagan
0B007 - Dagnu
0BA07 - walnut
14F03 - elf gunner
18F03 - elf assasin
Command: %*@^ <spasi> code
1. Armors
BM Armor (Accretia)
- Launcher Type
ihafd01 (Head)
iuafd01 (Upper)
ilafd01 (Lower)
igafd01 (Gloves)
isafd01 (Shoes)
- Melee Type
ihawd01 (Head)
iuawd01 (Upper)
ilawd01 (Lower)
igawd01 (Gloves)
isawd01 (Shoes)
- Ranger Type
ihard01 (Head)
iuard01 (Upper)
ilard01 (Lower)
igard01 (Gloves)
isard01 (Shoes)
BM Armor (Bellato)
- Force Type
ihbfd01 (Head)
iubfd01 (Upper)
ilbfd01 (Lower)
igbfd01 (Gloves)
isbfd01 (Shoes)
- Melee Type
ihbwd01 (Head)
iubwd01 (Upper)
ilbwd01 (Lower)
igbwd01 (Gloves)
isbwd01 (Shoes)
- Ranger Type
ihbrd01 (Head)
iubrd01 (Upper)
ilbrd01 (Lower)
igbrd01 (Gloves)
isbrd01 (Shoes)
BM Armor (Cora)
- Force Type
ihcfd01 (Head)
iucfd01 (Upper)
ilcfd01 (Lower)
igcfd01 (Gloves)
iscfd01 (Shoes)
- Melee Type
ihcwd01 (Head)
iucwd01 (Upper)
ilcwd01 (Lower)
igcwd01 (Gloves)
iscwd01 (Shoes)
- Ranger Type
ihcrd01 (Head)
iucrd01 (Upper)
ilcrd01 (Lower)
igcrd01 (Gloves)
iscrd01 (Shoes)
Lv65 Intense Armor (Accretia)
- Launcher Type
ihafb65 (Head)
iuafb65 (Upper)
ilafb65 (Lower)
igafb65 (Gloves)
isafb65 (Shoes)
- Melee Type
ihawb65 (Head)
iuawb65 (Upper)
ilawb65 (Lower)
igawb65 (Gloves)
isawb65 (Shoes)
- Ranger Type
iharb65 (Head)
iuarb65 (Upper)
ilarb65 (Lower)
igarb65 (Gloves)
isarb65 (Shoes)
Lv65 Intense Armor (Bellato)
- Force Type
ihbfb65 (Head)
iubfb65 (Upper)
ilbfb65 (Lower)
igbfb65 (Gloves)
isbfb65 (Shoes)
- Melee Type
ihbwb65 (Head)
iubwb65 (Upper)
ilbwb65 (Lower)
igbwb65 (Gloves)
isbwb65 (Shoes)
- Ranger Type
ihbrb65 (Head)
iubrb65 (Upper)
ilbrb65 (Lower)
igbrb65 (Gloves)
isbrb65 (Shoes)
Lv65 Intense Armor (Cora)
- Force Type
ihcfb65 (Head)
iucfb65 (Upper)
ilcfb65 (Lower)
igcfb65 (Gloves)
iscfb65 (Shoes)
- Melee Type
ihcwb65 (Head)
iucwb65 (Upper)
ilcwb65 (Lower)
igcwb65 (Gloves)
iscwb65 (Shoes)
- Ranger Type
ihcrb65 (Head)
iucrb65 (Upper)
ilcrb65 (Lower)
igcrb65 (Gloves)
iscrb65 (Shoes)
2. Weapons
Donate Weapons
iwstz02 - Staff (Accelleon)
iwluz04 - Launcher (Cerberus)
iwflz04 - Launcher (Inferno)
iwboz01 - Bow (Valkyrie)
iwb0z02 - CrossBow (Chimera)
iwfiz04 - Firearm (Double Hiiter)
iwspz02 - Spear (Vengeance)
Relic Lv70 Weapons
iwmad52 - One-Handed Mace (Baltin Toel)
iwmad53 - One-Handed Mace (Hammer of Repose)
iwbod51 - Bow (Aldebaran)
iwbod52 - CrossBow (Beleropon)
iwfid54 - Firearm (Twin Impact)
iwspd52 - Spear (Name of Vengeace)
iwstd52 - Staff (Divine Core)
iwlud54 - Launcher (Judecker)
iwfld54 - Launcher (Revanthane)
Lv65 Intense Weapons
iwgeb65 - Granade Launcher
iwlub65 - Launcher
iwfib65 - Firearm
iwbob65 - Bow
iwspb65 - Spear
iwstb65 - Staff
iwmab65 - One-Handed Mace
iwaxb65 - Two-Handed Mace
iwswb65 - Sword
iwknb65 - Knife
PvP Weapons
iwpvp01 - Knife (MuspellHeim)
iwpvp02 - Sword (Hell Bringer)
iwpvp03 - Dual Wield (Bone Slasher)
iwpvp04 - One-Handed Mace (Titan Fist)
iwpvp05 - Spear (Pinoka)
iwpvp06 - Bow (Bloody Tears)
iwpvp07 - Firearm (Death Scream)
iwpvp08 - Launcher (Dragon Breath)
iwpvp09 - Staff (Hell Song)
iwpvp10 - Throwing Knife (Death Wing)
Leon Weapons
iwkxa40 - Knife Low Lv40
iwkxb40 - Knife Med Lv40
iwkxc40 - Knife High Lv40
iwkxa45 - Knife Low Lv45
iwkxb45 - Knife Med Lv45
iwkxc45 - Knife High Lv45
iwkxa50 - Knife Low Lv50
iwkxb50 - Knife Med Lv50
iwkxc50 - Knife High Lv50
iwkxa55 - Knife Low Lv55
iwkxb55 - Knife Med Lv55
iwkxc55 - Knife High Lv55
iwbxa40 - Bow Low Lv40
iwbxb40 - Bow Med Lv40
iwbxc40 - Bow High Lv40
iwbxa45 - Bow Low Lv45
iwbxb45 - Bow Med Lv45
iwbxc45 - Bow High Lv45
iwbxa50 - Bow Low Lv50
iwbxb50 - Bow Med Lv50
iwbxc50 - Bow High Lv50
iwbxa55 - Bow Low Lv55
iwbxb55 - Bow Med Lv55
iwbxc55 - Bow High Lv55
iwtxa40 - Staff Low Lv40
iwtxb40 - Staff Med Lv40
iwtxc40 - Staff High Lv40
iwtxa45 - Staff Low Lv45
iwtxb45 - Staff Med Lv45
iwtxc45 - Staff High Lv45
iwtxa50 - Staff Low Lv50
iwtxb50 - Staff Med Lv50
iwtxc50 - Staff High Lv50
iwtxa55 - Staff Low Lv55
iwtxb55 - Staff Med Lv55
iwtxc55 - Staff High Lv55
General Weapons
iwevn01 - Legacy Blade
iwevt01 Snow Spray (Winter Event)
iwkna99 - Knife (CEO Sword)
3. Jewelery
- Accretia
iaana03 - Starved Beast's Earring (28% Attack / 5% Vampire / 20 Accuracy)
iaana06 - Violent Wild's Earring (28% Attack / 20 Accuracy / 0.5 Speed)
iaana09 - Fluctuating Beast Vital's Earring (28% Attack / 10% HP / 16% Defense)
iaana12 - Outcasted Marauder's Earring (28% Attack / 16% Defense / 5% Vampire)
iaana15 - Liberated Outcast's Earring (20 Dodge / 16 Range / 15% Debuff Time)
iaaad50 - 30% Attack / 30% Defense
- Bellato
iabna03 - Starved Beast's Earring (22% Attack / 5% Vampire / 15 Accuracy)
iabna06 - Violent Wild's Earring (26% Attack / 20 Accuracy / 15 Range)
iabna09 - Fluctuating Beast Vital's Earring (26% Attack / 8% HP / 15% Defense)
iabna12 - Outcasted Marauder's Earring (26% Attack / 15% Defense / 5% Vampire)
iabna15 - Liberated Outcast's Earring (20 Dodge / 20 Range / 15% Debuff Time)
- Cora
iacna03 - Starved Beast's Earring (22% Attack / 5% Vampire / 15 Accuracy)
iacna06 - Violent Wild's Earring (26% Attack / 20 Accuracy / 15 Range)
iacna09 - Fluctuating Beast Vital's Earring (26% Attack / 8% HP / 15% Defense)
iacna12 - Outcasted Marauder's Earring (26% Attack / 15% Defense / 5% Vampire)
iacna15 - Liberated Outcast's Earring (20 Dodge / 20 Range / 15% Debuff Time)
iacca97 - Cora Earring97 (25% Defense / 25% Attack)
iacca98 - Cora Earring98 (25% Attack / 20 Dodge)
iacca99 - Cora Earring99 (25% Defense / 25% Attack)
- General
iadgn01 - Dagon's Leash (10% Attack / 30% Defense / 5% HP)
iadgn02 - BlackBlood Brother's Leash (30% Attack / 30% Defense / 10% Vampire / Detect)
iachr01 - 40% Attack (Christmas Elemental)
iachr02 - 45% Attack (Christmas Elemental)
iachr03 - 40% Defense (Christmas Elemental)
iachr04 - 45% Defense (Christmas Elemental)
iachr05 - 40 Dodge (Christmas Elemental)
iachr06 - 45 Dodge (Christmas Elemental)
- Accretia
iiana03 - Starved Beast's Earring (28% Attack / 5% Vampire / 20 Accuracy)
iiana06 - Violent Wild's Earring (28% Attack / 20 Accuracy / 0.5 Speed)
iiana09 - Fluctuating Beast Vital's Earring (28% Attack / 10% HP / 16% Defense)
iiana12 - Outcasted Marauder's Earring (28% Attack / 16% Defense / 5% Vampire)
iiana15 - Liberated Outcast's Earring (20 Dodge / 16 Range / 15% Debuff Time)
iiaad50 - 30% Attack / 30% Defense
iiaab75 - Accretia Ring174 (0.5 Speed / 25% Attack / 25% Defense)
iiaab76 - Accretia Ring175 (0.5 Speed / 25% Attack / 20 Dodge)
iiaab77 - Accretia Ring176 (0.5 Speed / 25% Attack / 0.10 Delay Decrease)
- Bellato
iibna03 - Starved Beast's Earring (22% Attack / 5% Vampire / 15 Accuracy)
iibna06 - Violent Wild's Earring (26% Attack / 20 Accuracy / 15 Range)
iibna09 - Fluctuating Beast Vital's Earring (26% Attack / 8% HP / 15% Defense)
iibna12 - Outcasted Marauder's Earring (26% Attack / 15% Defense / 5% Vampire)
iibna15 - Liberated Outcast's Earring (20 Dodge / 20 Range / 15% Debuff Time)
iibba97 - Bellato Wristlet97 (20% Attack / 20% Defense)
iibba98 - Bellato Wristlet98 (20% Attack / 20 Dodge)
iibba99 - Bellato Wristlet99 (20% Attack / 20% Defense)
iibev01 - 30% Attack / 30% Defense
iibev02 - 30% Attack / 25 Dodge
- Cora
iicna03 - Starved Beast's Earring (22% Attack / 5% Vampire / 15 Accuracy)
iicna06 - Violent Wild's Earring (26% Attack / 20 Accuracy / 15 Range)
iicna09 - Fluctuating Beast Vital's Earring (26% Attack / 8% HP / 15% Defense)
iicna12 - Outcasted Marauder's Earring (26% Attack / 15% Defense / 5% Vampire)
iicna15 - Liberated Outcast's Earring (20 Dodge / 20 Range / 15% Debuff Time)
- General
iidgn01 - Dagnu's Ring (30% Attack / 10% Defense / 5% HP)
iidgn02 - Dagan's Ring (10% Attack / 10% Defense / 20% HP)
iichr01 - 40% Attack (Christmas Elemental)
iichr02 - 45% Attack (Christmas Elemental)
iichr03 - 40% Defense (Christmas Elemental)
iichr04 - 45% Defense (Christmas Elemental)
iichr05 - 40 Dodge (Christmas Elemental)
iichr06 - 45 Dodge (Christmas Elemental)
Donate Amulets
- Accretia
iaaad56 - 40% Attack / 50% Defense
iaaad57 - 40% Attack / 30 Dodge
iaaad58 - 50% Defense / 20% HP
- Bellato
iabbd16 - 40% Attack / 50% Defense
iabbd19 - 40% Attack / 30 Dodge
iabbd20 - 50% Defense / 20% HP
- Cora
iaccd82 - 40% Attack / 50% Defense
iaccd83 - 40% Attack / 30 Dodge
iaccd81 - 50% Defense / 20% HP
Donate Rings
iiaad81 - 40% Attack / 50% Defense
iiaad82 - 40% Attack / 30 Dodge
iiaad83 - 50% Defense / 20% HP
iibbd83 - 40% Attack / 50% Defense
iibbd82 - 40% Attack / 30 Dodge
iibbd81 - 50% Defense / 20% HP
iiccd16 - 40% Attack / 50% Defense
iiccd19 - 40% Attack / 30 Dodge
iiccd17 - 50% Defense / 20% HP
4. Shields
idaab50 - Shield Lv50 Intense
idaab55 - Shield Lv55 Intense
idaab60 - Shield Lv60 Intense
idaab65 - Shield Lv65 Intense
idbcb50 - Shield Lv50 Intense
idbcb55 - Shield Lv55 Intense
idbcb60 - Shield Lv60 Intense
idbcb65 - Shield Lv65 Intense
idelb55 - Elven Shield
idmeb55 - Metal Elven Shield
idxxx01 - 100% Block Shield
5. Capes
ikavb99 - Blood Booster [99 Grade]
ikatb99 - Aiming Booster [99 Grade]
ikbvb99 - Blood Booster [99 Grade]
ikbtb99 - Aiming Booster [99 Grade]
ikcvb99 - Blood Booster [99 Grade]
ikctb99 - Aiming Booster [99 Grade]
ikxxx02 - Manto Elven [A] (Donate Cape)
ikxxx03 - GM Cape (10 Speed)