Minggu, 23 Desember 2012

Peraturan Rf Reactor

ReactorRF In-Game Rules®

1. Using 3rd party program, Fly Hack, Speed Hack, Damage Hack, Terrain Glitch and Wall Glitch are bannable..

1st Offense = Banned Forever

2. Exploiting Game Bugs like CB Aura Bug, SK even your not using Cerberus, Inferno or other launcher type weapons..

Note: If you got CB aura Bug, Please Join a Guild immediately, then log out, then

log in again, CB aura Bug will gone. Opened Sk + not Cerbe or Inferno.

1st Offense = Banned forever

3. Abuse of bad words or Saying Bad Words to insult other players in Race, Whole, Trade and Normal, Private Chat
are bannable..

1st Offense = 100 hours Banned
2nd Offense = 200 hours Banned
3rd Offense = Banned forever

(saying Bad Words to Gm's/Admin's = Banned forever)
(RACISM with bad words to other countries or a group of player will be permanent banned)


3.1. Use only the /buy or /sell channel to trade your items. Use of different channel, like /all or /normal channel will be considered as spam and it will banned with the following measures:

1st offense: 1 week chat ban
2nd offense: 1 month chat ban
3rd offense: account banned


4. Do not put GM or Admin in any part of your name like [GM] or [ADM]. This will not
be tolerated and if you are warned several times, you will be banned.

5. Do not put any Bad Lexicon on your name.

1st Offense = Warning (telling the player to Change his Name)
2nd Offense = 1 Week Banned
3rd Offense = 1 month or Above banned

6. Items lost in disconnections/server crashes/errors
will not be replaced, under any circumstances.

7. Report any minor or major bugs, players found to be
abusing these bugs will be banned depending on the severity.

8. Scamming or tricking of a certain player dealing with items like(GPs, Race to

Race Trade) with or with out evidence will be no longer GMs responsible. Items, GPs, Etc, will be no longer refund or replaced.

9. If a Legit Donator char borrow to other Normal or non-donator char, then if we caught that you let them borrow those donated items, non-donator char with that items will be banned (if non-donator char caught wearing those donated items). and its permanent banned.

10. Supporting cheater\s - perma_bann! If your party know that cheat happen, and more that, using that "cool" situation for own needs. Bann all party!

11. This is INTERNATIONAL server. So, not all players here are same countries, to understand all people here in this server, using other languages will be punished! So, all players need to use ENGLISH LANGUAGE.. Because English Language is an Universal Language, so that all players can understand you.. Private chat is not included on this punishments.. so, the following punishments are:

1st offense = 100hrs chat ban
2nd offense = 170hrs chat ban
3rd offense = permanent banned



13. Guilds must be active in game, during the CW, PB raiding and PvP. GvG must be a real fight between 2 active guilds and cant be done by 2 guild members only who stand at GvG area, to make the other to gain cpt without a fight.This is called "fake GvG". Doing fake GvG its prohibited and the measures will be taken are the following:

1st offense - All those who partecipating the GvG will be banned, including the GL (guild leader) even if he is not partecipating. The guilds will be deleted.



1. Setting turrets/traps at spawn/respawn point its prohibited. Traps and turrets can be setted only at PBs spots, CW and all other places wich are not spawn/respawn point

1st Offense = 1 week banned
2nd Offense = 1 month banned
3rd Offense = Banned FOrever

2. Try to Keep your Race Alive

3. Help Attract More Player

4. Debuffing/buffing or use summon on safe Zone area is Strictly Prohibited

1st Offense = 1 week Banned
2nd Offense = 1 month Banned
3rd Offense = Perma banned!

5. NUKE IN CORE(IN HSK AREA) is Strictly Prohibited

1st Offense = 1 week Banned
2nd Offense = 1 month Banned
3rd Offense = Perma banned!


Pilot is a person to who you let use your account, this mean that this person know you ID and you PWD, so he can login wiht your account whenever he want. It is possible to have a pilot at your own risk. If a pilot betray you and change your PWD or get some of your items, we are not responsible for anything, so you will lose your items and/or your account. Stolen account will be not banned, until this do something agaist the rule. Afterall, you gave you id and pwd to him, so its your fault. We will not accept any request about stolen account, it will be ignored.

ReactorRF Forum Rules®

1. Do not make any unnecessary topics such as just a simple smiley.
If you wanna do that please use the "Flood or Spam" thread.

2. Don't use any inappropriate words in your posts.
Infraction or warning will be given to anyone who violates this.

1st Offense = 1week banned
2nd Offense = 1month banned
3rd Offense = Banned forever

3. This is an English Thread so everyone must speak in english.
Infraction or warning will be given to anyone who violates this.

warn % will be added every 1 or One mistake.

if % of warn become 100%, banned forever.

4. Please try to limit the size of your signature.

if someone will not follow, all of his or her signature will be deleted.

5. Do not flame other people's posts. Someone creating flame war will be ban for

the FF. (except in Flaming Thread)

1st Offense = 1week banned
2nd Offense = 1month banned
3rd Offense = Banned forever


6. Create new threads on the right section

7. Signature must be 400x200 Pxl max and cant contain personal images or contain immoral contents. Each one can have 4 images max in his signature.
*.GIF or any video cant be added as signature. This rule is made to prevent lag on forum caused by huge signature or images.

If this rule is not followed the measures will be these:

1st offense - warned by GM reciving a yellow warning
2nd offense - warned by GM reciving a red warning
3rd offense - Banned from forum permanently with account deleting.


8. Not following instructions.

1st Offense = 1week banned
2nd Offense = 1month banned
3rd Offense = Banned forever


Rules can be changed or added.
Thanks to HyperLynx


Disallowed items
Hi all guys, down here i'll list all Disallowed items. The list could be upgraded later, so check this thread to stay informed.

In this server we dont admit all duped or possible duped items

Are the following
Relics/Leons Lv 45 ~ 70 +5~+7 are not allowed
SS armor +6~+7 mercy/grace are not allowed
SS armor Lv60 +6~+7 are not allowed
Intense armor Lv60~65 +6~+7 mercy/grace are not allowed
Dragon armor +5~+7 are not allowed
Perf eles will be added at HERO npc^^

More items could be added later.

In time, play fair and have fun all
For all dupers hardware ban will be the punishment

Thx to all GMs approved this list and thx to valsha

Cya around

When you got banned

Hi all guys, i would like to aswer to all those player who keep PMing me all the day, everyday, asking me to be unbanned, but even to those who just reading this thread.

I rly cant understand those who know the rules, do something again those and then come here asking to be unbanned.

All kind, dupers, FHrs, SHrs, those who used bad words, racists and all other kind of "outlaws"

@ Dupers/dupe owner - NO, i cant delete your duped items and give your account back and not even those legally upgraded items. You did dupe, well, you deserve a perma ban. This mean you lost everything reguarding your account!

@ FHrs/SHrs/buggers/glitcher/all cheaters - NO, i dont belive you will do it anymore, because you are a stupid if you use those cheats, even if we say you cant, so i'm sure you are so stupid to do it again! So stay banned.

@ Bad words users - NO, i dont care you was angry with someone else, next time count till 10 and then stay quite. And also NO, i dont care you said those words to be funny, because NO you was not funny to me, because rules says you cant use bad words, so you deserve a ban.

@ Racists - HELL NO! You are only garbage to me, so even if christ come down to me and tell me to unbann you then NO i wont, overall because i cant, i dont have the permission and even if i had, NO i wont unban you. Keep off from this server.

@ All other who thinking to PM me again to ask to be unbanned - NO, ban is a permanent and irreversable status, if you got banned, you will stay forever.

Whats the solution? ... If you thinking about sending a PM to another GM then, NO, this is not the solution.
Create another account and read the rules before to play.

Cya around

HW Ban - the non-return way

From now on all FH and cheaters will be banned by hardware, we dont admit anymore hackers and cheater or rules braker in our server.

All those who brake the main rules will recive an hardware ban.

Thx Valsha

Dont hack, have fun and play fair, always.
Cya around - CrisTalNinJa


Council Spot or Running for a Spot
You will be banned for 30 days for wasting a spot for the race. For being in-active for having just the blue/yellow/pink aura on you. If you'r not fully attending 1 day per CW. No warn. Its a ban

Last Hit Kill On PBs / "Ninja Looter"
1st offense - 4 day chat ban
2nd offense - 7 day ban
3rd offense - say hello to "1440 hrs of ban." up to 2 months.
4th offense - you'r gone

RMT / Real Money Trade
RMT in RF Reactor area is bannable.
1st offense - you're gone
Any RMT outside of RF Reactor will not be our responisibility. such as Facebook. However, GMs will decide.
Selling items in in-game to GP is not bannable until now if the rule is needed. However, its a high risk of scam. Best of luck to it.

CB Buggers
1st offense - 999 hrs
2nd offense - you'r gone

Punishment will vary on how the GM(s) will think your action was.


More changes and adds could come up later. Thx to the staff.

Copas aja ini... yg ga bisa Bhs. Inggris = DL wkwkwkwk